About me
Hi there! My name is Aaron Robertson, and I am a seasoned brand identity designer with over a decade of professional experience and a bachelor's degree in graphic design. I was born and raised in San Diego, California, but now reside with my wife, two daughters, and a zoo of pets in the picturesque city of Spokane, Washington.
I have honed my branding, visual, and web design skills throughout my career by working in various settings, including agencies, in-house teams, and as an independent consultant. As a consultant, I have had the privilege of working with some of the most brilliant minds in business, providing me with valuable insights into different industries and allowing me to deliver exceptional work that meets their needs.
But it's about more than just delivering outstanding work for me. As a lifelong learner, I am always seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and sharpen my skills, which is why I am passionate about mentoring and supporting new designers in the industry. In addition, I believe in giving back and sharing my knowledge to help others thrive in their careers.
With my extensive experience and dedication to the craft, I am confident that I can contribute to any team committed to creating innovative and engaging brands.